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Meditation Library

On this space you'll find a growing collection of mindfulness-based meditations. 

Their purpose is to help you find moments of silence and connection to your center.


It is from this center that we can access compassion for ourselves and for others. It is from our own center that a more peaceful world can be achieved.

They vary in length and theme, and are always available for free.


May these meditations contribute to your inner peace and well-being, and, by extension, the peace of those around you.


Loving-kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness, also known as mettā, is a practice of compassion through which we cultivate benevolence and kindness. We start by offering these sentiments toward ourselves and allow this radiance to spread to all sentient beings. May we all be well, happy, safe, peaceful, and loved. May we all awaken and be free

Giving Kindness to Your Mind and Thoughts

is an invitation to focus on that silent space between the breaths. Consciously recognize that silent space after your inhalations... and the one after your exhalations...

We carry with us this reminder and constant invitation to stillness.

Gratitude for breath, body, and mind

This meditation invites you to offer 5 minutes of your time to breathe consciously and foster a deep sense of gratitude for you, for the being that you are. All you need to do is sit down comfortably and follow my guidance. You are radiant! 💛✨

Settle into Stillness

Take 10 minutes and dedicate them fully and wholly to yourself. Meditation is a tool that helps us come back to our center. Usually, our attention is directed outwards and we rarely look inwards. By connecting to our breath and our bodily sensations, we can quickly become grounded and refocused. This meditation is going to help you relax and come back to your center, so you can find balance and harmony within.

Giving Yourself Love and Kindness

This meditation is an invitation to dedicate 9 minutes of your time to give your beautiful self the gifts of loving-kindness. Sit down comfortably, and just follow my guidance, you’ll feel more centered afterwards.

May you feel safe and protected.

May you feel happy and peaceful.

May you live with ease.

Gratitude for the Simple Things

This is a meditation where we get the chance to express gratitude for the simple things that make our daily lives possible. My invitation today is to feel gratitude and awe for everything around you. Breathe deeply, settle into your body, and realize the magic around you, the magic that you are.

Sharing Gratitude 

There is no better way to connect to our inner radiance than gratitude. Today, I invite you to sit down comfortably, connect to the people you love, and share gratitude.

Awareness of People Just Like You

Let us plant seeds of mindfulness together 🌱

Seeds of love, compassion, self-care, presence, loving-kindness, and any seed that will help us be gentler, centered, and at peace with us and each other. This meditation that connects us to what it means to have a human experience, beginning with ourselves, and extending this compassion and understanding to others.

Two minutes of mindful breathing

This short meditation is inviting you to settle easily into your body wherever you are, and gently focus on your breathing for only two minutes.

Give your whole self this gift of presence without judgments.

Come back to this practice whenever you feel in need of some clarity and peace.

Easing the Mind

Anxious and angry thoughts and reactions are often a habit, something we have trained ourselves to do. This short meditation gives you the opportunity to slow down, but also to train your mind to slow down and practice ease and relaxation. Meditation is not a quick fix; it takes commitment and regularity. All you need is an intention to be at ease. Let this intention (and perhaps my voice too) be your guide. 

May you be at ease. 

Focused Attention to Settle the Mind

You've probably heard that meditation is super easy if you just follow your breath. But when the mind chatter is so loud, listening to your breath is not accessible. In this video, I guide your breathing with simple instructions. Take this moment for you to reconnect to something you've been doing since you were born. When you pay close attention to your breath, you can better listen to your intuition and to those around you.

May your mind be at ease 

Noticing Your Helpers

Today I'd love to invite you to spend some moments connecting to gratitude, specifically gratitude towards the people who help you get to where you are today. Sit down comfortably, let my voice guide you in generating a lot of love. Bask in that light as you continue your day.

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